This mural is in the Kreuzberg neighborhood of Berlin. Click image to see the full photo of the mural.

We are feeling a bit disconnected as we are not in Copenhagen for March and April, but are in Berlin. We are having a hard time orientating ourselves to the local ecology and understanding how this place works. This kind of awareness takes a really long time to develop (i.e. feeling and intuiting rather than knowing which way is north, or where the storms and winds come from, or how the sun moves through the city spaces on a month to month basis, plus so much more).  After two years of being in Copenhagen, we feel like we are just now starting to get a basic intuitive understanding of where we live. On Wednesdays, for the next few weeks, we will be posting pictures from our excursions here in Berlin. We will return to posting images from our neighborhood once we are back in the Mythological Quarter.

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