Last year we grew some heirloom soybeans at DRYK Nørrebro, the roof top urban garden in our neighborhood. We wanted to grow seeds that could tell a story and be shared from year to year. Growing these soy beans,  which even though they came from a seed bank in Russia miles away, became a way for us to connect to our adopted home.

We chose the soy bean plant because it is a plant grown around the world for a wide variety of reasons. It is also often a highly modified seed. We moved to Nørrebro in Copenhagen from the Midwestern United States where miles and miles of soybean plants signify industrial agriculture and all of its attendant problems, from soil depletion to food security issues. Saving seeds, sharing them in your community from year to year, is an important part of how preserve our planet’s biodiversity and its resilience in the face of natural disasters.

Part of the process of saving seeds is replanting some of the seeds each year to keep them vital. Here is one of our soy bean starts, springing up in our home.

No more monoculture!